Hacking Apps 2016

#1 Hackode The hacker’s Toolbox is an
application for penetration tester, Ethical
hackers, IT ...
#1 Hackode
The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for
penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT
administrator and Cyber security professional to
perform different tasks like reconnaissance,
scanning performing exploits etc.
#2 Androrat
Remote Administration Tool for Android.
Androrat is a client/server application
developed in Java Android for the client side
and in Java/Swing for the Server.
#3 APKInspector
APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool for
analysts to analyse the Android applications.
The goal of this project is to aide analysts and
reverse engineers to visualize compiled Android
packages and their corresponding DEX code.
#4 DroidBox
DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic analysis
of Android applications.
#5 Burp Suite
Burp Suite is an integrated platform for
performing security testing of web applications.
Its various tools work seamlessly together to
support the entire testing process, from initial
mapping and analysis of an application’s attack
surface, through to finding and exploiting
security vulnerabilities.
#6 zANTI
zANTI is a comprehensive network diagnostics
toolkit that enables complex audits and
penetration tests at the push of a button. It
provides cloud-based reporting that walks you
through simple guidelines to ensure network
#7 Droid Sheep
DroidSheep can be easily used by anybody who
has an Android device and only the provider of
the web service can protect the users. So
Anybody can test the security of his account
by himself and can decide whether to keep on
using the web service.
#8 dSploit
dSploit is an Android network analysis and
penetration suite which aims to offer to IT
security experts/geeks the most complete and
advanced professional toolkit to perform
network security assessments on a mobile
#9 Arpspoof
Arpspoof is a tool for network auditing originally
written by Dug Song as a part of his dsniff
package. This app redirects traffic on the local
network by forging ARP replies and sending
them to either a specific target or all the hosts
on the local network paths.
#10 Shark for Root
Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi (works on
FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use
WireShark or similar software, for preview dump
on phone use Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump.
#11 Nmap for Android
Nmap (network mapper) is one the best among
different network scanner (port finder) tool,
Nmap mainly developed for Unix OS but now it
is available on Windows and Android as well.
Nmap for android is a Nmap apps for your
phone! Once your scan finishes you can e-mail
the results. This application is not a official
apps but it looks good.
#12 SSHDroid
Android Secure Shell: Secure shell or SSH is
the best protocol that provides an extra layer
of security while you are connecting with your
remote machine.SSHDroid is a SSH server
implementation for Android. This application
will let you to connect to your device from a
PC and execute commands (like “terminal” and
“adb shell”).

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18 June 2017 at 02:23 delete

If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James(worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. He showed me proof of work and I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help. Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com


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